The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography
is organising the
On the occasion of its 70th founding anniversary, the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography is organising the international conference Encyclopedistics 2020 – Achievements and Challenges, which will be held from 15 to 16 October in Zagreb.
Invited speakers:
Naja Bentzen, European Parliament’s Liaison Office in Washington, DC
Ranko Matasović, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb
Uri Nodelman, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Toma Tasovac, DARIAH-EU, Berlin
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
The 70th anniversary of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, founded in 1950 on the centuries-old tradition of Croatian encyclopedistics and lexicography, has prompted us to consider the achievements, current state, and (un)predictable future of encyclopedistics in Croatia, Europe, and the world. Bringing together experts, not only in encyclopedistics and lexicography, but also in other academic fields, we wish to discuss topics that we have divided into three broad groups, regarding the state and possibilities of digital encyclopedistics, individual fields and terminology, and the encyclopedistic treatment of biographies (these topics are guidelines rather than fixed categories).
The topics of the conference are as follows:
a) Digital encyclopedias and knowledge networking:
- Online encyclopedias and other reference works
- Thematic portals
- Digitisation and linking digital sources
- Multimedia and interactive content
- The role of digital reference works in science and education
- Organisation, networking, and dissemination of knowledge
- Encyclopedias in the age of greater accessibility of information
- Digital lexicography and digital humanities
b) Fields and terminology in encyclopedistics and lexicography
- Theoretical fundamentals (methods, approaches, specificities)
- Concepts and production of professional encyclopedias
- Treatment of specific fields in general/national encyclopedias
- Selected topics from specific fields
- Mircropedic and macropedic approach
- Terminology between description and prescription
- Terminology between internationalism and purism
- Terminology in a diachronic perspective
c) Biography in encyclopedias
- Conceptions of biographic encyclopedias and lexicons
- Biographies in professional, national, and general encyclopedias
- Biographies in regard to specific fields
- Problems regarding biographic research and presentation
- Bibliography
The abstract (1000 to 1500 characters), in Croatian and English (the organiser shall secure translation into Croatian for foreign applicants), together with a short biography (400 to 600 characters) should be sent to the secretary of the Organising Committee, Iva Klobučar Srbić (
Presentations should be in Croatian or English and up to 15 minutes long. Papers based on these presentations that are submitted by 1 March 2021 will be published, following the appropriate peer review process, in a thematic issue of the lexicography and encyclopedistics journal Studia lexicographica (
There is no participation fee, but applicants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.